Release Date: 02nd October, 2018
Features & Enhancements
- Grace Minutes field is greyed out in booking and controlled via Rate Card rule
- Two year dates entered into Date of Birth field will go back 80yrs and forward 20yrs to prepend 19 or 20 to it
- Ability to hide groups in Prohire so they are no longer within system
- Notes can be created without a SiteID being taken
Bug Fixes
- Proweb bookings were not being rejected properly within system
- Proweb bookings when rejected were not updating the database records correctly
- Deadlock error message was being generated when a rental was being extended
- On Check-in, when payment or refund was taken system was generating a error resolving error message
- Final invoice was not being destroyed when the booking was moved backed from Checked In status to Returned
- Client Home Phone is alway mandatory when validated by the server when booking is checked out even though this field is not mandatory
- Deposits that have been taken via POL payment screen are not appearing on the next daysheet
- Additional Drivers are not being charged correctly when they come down into Prohire
Release Date: 08th August, 2018
Features & Enhancements
- Add new GDPR specific functionality to handle client redaction and tagging for marketing purposes
- Viewing charges for ProWeb2 Bookings will display new Charges screen in web browser
- Viewing payments for ProWeb2 Bookings will be displayed in new Payment screen on user's web browser
- For ProWeb2 Bookings Interim Billing functionality has been disabled
- Allow users to log into new Prohire Online screen's using existing Prohire credentials
- Note count appears next to the View Notes button
- Button on menu bar to provide shortcut to operator to access ProWeb 2
- Bookings produced via ProWeb should be quoting via new Prohire Online tariffs and quote engine
- Menu options added to system to allow operators to configure Tariffs, ProWeb and Vehicle Availability within Prohire Online
Bug Fixes
- After entering PinNo, user was not able to just press Enter key to confirm entry
- When viewing Mobile Damage, the wrong image was sometimes being displayed
- When adding attachments to client screen, they weren't uploading correctly for certain file types
- Prohire Risk Icon removed while being accessed for GDPR requirements
- The Vehicle batch updater is not warning user when csv contains a vehicle registration that does not exist within Prohire
- When using the Vehicle Export feature the resultant CSV file not quoting the fields
- On the Invoice Details screen, the Duration Description tab was the default tab rather than the Remarks tab
- Changing the Charge From or Charge To date in booking rental screen locks the time cells preventing them from been amended
- Outstanding balance field on booking screen is being displayed in wrong colour
Release Date: 16th February, 2018
Features & Enhancements
- Compatible with Sage Line50 2018 (v24)
- Increased encryption level between client and server to AES256
- When printing rental agreements for customers that do not have an account number, system will produce a dialog box asking if charges should be printed or not
- Reworking of connection management when clients connect into hosted environment
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when user was not able to create new groups
Release Date: 8th May, 2017
Features & Enhancements
- Booking History button is now available on Vehicle Details screen when viewed via the Allocation Chart
- System override available to allow changing of Charge Group when booking is ON HIRE and client has Scheduled Invoicing setup
- When undertaking a vehicle ChangeOver for another site, the vehicle picker will default to the users logged in site and correctly set the pickup and return sites
- Account Export Template Designer now allows client name to be exported in format Surname Name
- New setting available allowing the VOR Daily Diary to use either a specific tariff rate or the Exclude from Utilisation option
- Change to Print Charges setting so that it is now configurable at System and Account level. For non-account customers charges will always print on Rental Agreement irrespective of booking status, but account customers will use system setting that is configured to only print charges at Returned & Checked In status. This setting can be overridden within client's Account record to allow printing at Pre Hire and Post Hire stage.
Bug Fixes
- The Requested Booking flash numbers would decrease by 1 after viewing the details of the client even though request was waiting to be accepted or rejected still
- The confirmation email sent after booking had been placed by customer on website was using a system email address rather than specific site email address
- After changing the Charge To date and then immediately completing booking was not recalculating charges correctly
- Emailing a note from Invoice was not picking up the client's contact email address
- When a system adjustment record is created the Extended From and Extended To dates were being recorded in the wrong places in the system so entry was confusing to read
Release Date: 29th March, 2017
Features & Enhancements
- Show Charges setting added to Private and Company client screens to control if the charges are printed on the rental agreement
- User can create only 1 planned future Changeover per booking
- On the Daily Diary a booking's delivery and collection postcode is shown
Bug Fixes
- Payment grid was displaying the database status for deposits rather than correct deposit type taken or refunded
- In the payment screen user was presented with 2 Refund Deposit buttons that both refunded deposits
- Doing a manual Pre-Rental check via the Daily Diary, then making changes to the figures within the screen was not being reflected on the report until user exits out of screen.
- If future Changeovers had been planned you could not print off the rental agreement for this Changeover
- On smaller widescreen monitors the bottom of the booking screen was being hidden by the taskbar
- When rounding issues encountered with the bookings charges at check-in booking will be put back to Returned status rather than asking user what to do